Friday, 30 August 2013

College clothes mission

So it is not long now until college, and i am so unprepared. my projects are not finished and my wardrobe needs some serious revamping. Tomorrow i am going to try to stretch the little money i have and buy myself a super cheap but super stylish new wardrobe. Wish me luck. x

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Sassy, classy and totally kick-assy nails

These are 2 fab designs that are easy to do. They are inspired by Pretty Little Liars...

This look screams that you are not one to be messed with :)
This perfectly pink design is one of my favourites.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Sassy, classy ad totally kick- assy nails

Coming up...
I will we doing some easy to do nail designs perfect for school or college or work or weekends.. whatever you want really . They are based on Hanna Marin's nails from Pretty Little Liars (I love this show sooooo much ). I will post photies of quirky nail designs that i absolutely adore! <3

I will also be doing a back to school haul, helping you to get organised and be little miss perfect!

Prim and proper Primark college clothes haul

I would liken my style to that of Hanna Marin's (Pretty Little Liars), Mindy Lahiri's (The Mindy Project) and Jessica Day's (New Girl). As these are my college clothes they all have to be black and white (booooo). I love wearing colours so this was hard news to hear. Here are a sample of some of my clothes. I am going to jazz up my outfits with colourful chunky jewelry. I have got my eye on some of River Island's collection. I will include that at the end.

Primark- £6
Primark- £9

Primark- £4

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Sun ,sea and selfies

Last week I was plunged into a world on no Wi-Fi and sheep... Wales! It was fab, although after about 1 hour on the beach I looked like a tomato. oh well st tropez will do.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Single pringle to taken bacon films

Today I have compiled a list of Kleenex worthy movies. This is sure to inspire you to find love in the wide wild world. 
1) Pretty Woman



"I want the fairy tale".
Pretty woman... ahhhhhhh. If any movie says " you can find love anywhere", it is this movie.
2) When Harry Met Sally

"You see? That is just like you, Harry. You say things like that, and you make it impossible for me to hate you."
This quote sums up this movie perfectly.
3) 10 Things I Hate About You

I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you’re always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call. But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
I adore this movie, anything which Heath is in , is bound to be amazing. It also taught me that although it is easier to follow the crowd, you don't live until you leave it.

"Once upon a time, there was a quiet little village in the French countryside, whose people believed in Tranquilité - Tranquility. If you lived in this village, you understood what was expected of you. You knew your place in the scheme of things. And if you happened to forget, someone would help remind you."
This is the perfect little movie to lift your spirits and inspire you to find your own Johnny

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Dieting Doom

I have just had a sudden moment of realisation, I HATE DIETS. When i start dieting i suddenly turn into an animal. My sense of smell is heightened beyond the legal level.Every Subway i walk past seems to smell like heaven. I am fed up of the Atkins, 500 calorie, Baby food and Veggie diet. I just have to accept that I am stuck in the friend zone with skinniness, we will never be together. Well, not as long as donuts and pizza still exist. It may be summer, and i may be single, but it is not the end of the world if i have an extra few pounds. Anyway I don't call it fat , I call it curvy.
I never went to Krispy Kreme ;)

Love, lust and Kleenex

Tomorrow i will be blogging about rom coms. It is summer, and people are actually venturing out of their houses, making it the perfect time to find love. I have compiled a shortlist of kleenex worthy films , that should inspire you to go on the hunt for your perfect person... role on Meg Ryan.

Getting on your Goldilocks

Recently I have been buying some fantabulosos hair productos, and I thought it was only fair that I share them with you. I have listed them in the order i use them.

1)Glad Hair Day Shampoo by Soap & Glory
This is a "ultra-shine daily super shampoo".This is the first ever Soap & Glory product I tried, and it is what got me hooked on the brand.  This shampoo will definitely give your bonnet bounce, as it is light and fun. This super shampoo lathers easily and smells divine. When I walk out of the shower after using this I feel super duper fresh. It has the signature fruity Soap & Glory fragrance. It has notes of citrus, tropical fruit and candy. It did not cause any build up at all on my hair and still after a couple of days, my hair feels very clean! Would recommend this to anyone with normal hair! The packaging is also ultra cute (and my favourite), and i am proud to display it.

2) Glad Hair Day Conditioner by Soap & Glory
As you have probably figured out by now ,i am a tinsy bit of a soap and glory addict... but it is just soooo gooood! When i was putting this on my hair i found myself singing "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair....". It would be nice if i actually had a man to washout of my hair , but you get the jist.  This makes my hair feel silky smooth and look a bit like a disney princess once i have dried it. when i use this i feel as if i am channeling all those unrealistic expectations disney gave me with my hair. It too has citrus, raspberry and candy notes. The only thing that i found strange was that it was in a bigger bottle than the shampoo, and since i don't use as much conditioner, it is going to last me a while. Oh god i love Soap & Glory...

3) Solution Spray by Lee Stafford
I actually hate my hair the day its washed, it is a big frizz ball of frizziness. I look like Einstein and Cruella Deville's lovechild. This stuff makes my goal of looking like cinderella a little more realistic. It says on the back "this is for those girls out there who absolutely hate their hair the day it is washed...". Mr Stafford you have just described me. So long messy buns and fly aways!

4) Seductively Straight by Herbal Essences
This is a cream that i picked up on my travels, which looked perfectly promising. Although it does have a lovely pear smell it does nothing amazing for my hair. I found that even when i use just half a pump of this stuff , that my hair gets a bit icky. I'm sorry Herbal Essences, but this is not my favourite item.

 ok, that is it :) I have given you my hair secrets , and i hope you will find them useful.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Betty's better bonnet

I have recently revamped my hair. To go along with this new look, I have also purchased some fantabulous hair productos. I have picked out 'la creme dela creme' of all my hair products , that make the rest of the products on the market look like skimmed milk. I will be doing a haul very soon, so stay tuned!

Cockatiel Charlie

Today I went on a little trip to Eastham Ferry, It is a quaint little place with lots of hidden gems. One little gem i thought was worth mentioning is 'Jemima's Café'. I had a hot chocolate in there and it was piled high with cream, marshmallows,choccy sprinkles and choccy buttons ... yummy scrummy. It had cute duck egg blue seats with roses painted on them... pretty! I suppose anything to do with Beatrix Potter in anyway is bound to be fantabulosos.

While i was walking along the shore, there was some really loud Metallica playing, i looked over to see a middle aged man sat in a car  writing something. So, being the nosey nosey person that i am i snuck a look at what it was writing (tut tut). It was a postcard. It began with "Dear Mum, It is really pretty here...". This just made me smile :) People surprise me all the time. I also snuck a picture of him too...cheeky.
I also found an old faded poster featuring rosy cheeked Charlie, the lost Cockatiel. So if you have seen this little fellow on your wonderful wonders ring the number :( Poor little Cockatiel Charlie *sighs*, hopefully he found his birdy family.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Mmmmmmmm Super Smelling Soap and Glory

Today I invested in 'The Breakfast Club' by Soap and Glory. Everything about this product screams "BUY ME!!". This stuff smells fantastic, definitely good enough to eat. The super cute pink packaging didn't put me off buying it either :). I would definitely recommend this, not only does it look fab and smell fab but it also worked wonders for my skin.
here is my attempt at describing it's fragrance:
it smells like maple syrup mixed with brown sugar and oats. This may sound strangeamabob  ,but I think it smells how Santa's kitchen would :/... weird but true.

Soap and Glory described it as an "Exfoliator with organic cupuacu bio scrubs, bananas, almond and honey extracts. Features a great new maple fragrance." It retails for £8 (I think), but it is a V good investment.